
The Partner Pipeline


If you already have access to the Partner Pipeline, then please click here to login.


The Partner Pipeline is the official CVB free B2B platform where various Virginia Beach tourism industry partners will find access to update their information and website listing(s), share happenings between each other, view our yearly large-scale event calendar and annual sales & marketing plans, upload deals and events, and others highlighted below;


  • Access to major events/convention calendar to help plan for proper staffing
  • Business-to-Business Communication Forum
  • Publication & Website Visibility
  • Promotions & Consumer Exposure
  • Opportunities for; 
    • Media exposure
    • Sales Leads, Referrals & Showcase Opportunities
    • Networking & Local Business Development Opportunities
    • Advertising & Marketing Opportunities
    • Familiarization (FAM) Tour Participation Opportunities
  • Market Research
  • Much More!

Any Questions? Email us HERE!


Teresa Diaz, APR

Partner Development Manager